Chinnery, Harry Brodrick (1876-1916)
Harry Brodrick Chinnery
(6 February 1876 to 28 May 1916)
Brodrick Chinnery was a highly efficient Captain of his house in1895. He was a boy of sturdy character who did his work adequately and showed strong practical abilities. Short, well-knit, active he had a natural ability for ball games.
A batsman of refreshing liveliness, a smart field and a fair change bowler he played against harrow in 1894 and 1895 making scores of 75 and 64. He was Keeper of Rackets, won the singles in 1894, the doubles in 1894 and 1895 and the House Racket Cup three times.
After leaving Eton he played cricket for both Surrey and Middlesex; for Surrey he had a brief but brilliant career of one season making 577 runs including an innings of 149 against Warwickshire. He was a well known figure in country house cricket and often played against the School; he also became one of the two or three best amateur players at squash rackets.
He was a member of the Stock Exchange, and well he fell in action he was a Lieutenant in the Kings Royal Rifle Corps.
(From The Eton College Chronicle)